Wednesday, November 14, 2007

We have Water! (that means all the conveniences!)

Have you ever considered what a pleasure it is to have indoor plumbing? Try staying in a building with none for entire weeks at a time and see ! The good news is that Eric the plumber showed up today to get the water running and the heat turned on. The water is somewhat "murky" yet, but it already started to clear up just by running the taps and flushing the toilets and running the hose outside for a half hour or so. Here are 2 videos - the first was taken at 10:30 am, and the second one was taken at 11:30 am. Quite the difference!

I thought I'd throw in a few sunset photos taken today, from the deck off the bedroom. This is 1 of 3.

This is 2 of 3.

And this is 3 of 3. These were all taken around 5:00 pm.

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